The 21 Books I'm Bringing to College!

Yes, one whole suitcase is books. An entire suitcase. If these twenty-one books (plus all of the books I have waiting for me at the school bookstores) don't fit on my shelves with my Funko! Ron and picture frames, I might have an actual meltdown.

I was worried that I wouldn't have a Stacking the Shelves post this week because I move into my dorm on Friday, so no library books from home and I need a piece of mail to get a library card in my college town.

BUT as I was taking pictures of the books I had put in this suitcase, I realized that I got Lock In by John Scalzi in my Book Outlet haul (I also added four books to my collection from Target and B&N, but you'll see those on Saturday).

There was no real rhyme or reason for these stacks of books (except for The Circle, which was required summer reading & Mistborn which I am buddy reading in August), they are just books that I really want to read . . . and soon. My school is only an hour and a half from my house, so I will be coming home once a month (AKA I will be able to switch out books I've read for unread ones).

I will also have my iPad with me (where I will have access to my hometown's overdrive and my scribd account!) so these aren't the only books I will be able to read.

Which book of this stack should I pick up first? Tell me down in the comments!


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