My Month in Tomes: August 2015

This is where I talk a little. However, I don't have a lot of words to say because college has squished my brain out of my ears.

Books Finished

So I started college this month, and so I didn't read a lot, but I still did pretty well.

Books Finished

Book covers are linked to my goodreads reviews.



Reviews this Month

Reading Challenges

Goodreads: 70 /70
Popsugar: 40/50
Rereads: 5/10
Over 500 Pages: 5/5
Classics: 0/3


  • Favorite Read:  Clockwork Angel was so much fun to read. It was great. I need to start the third soon!
  • Wish I Never Read: The Circle. I "had to read this" for college. I didn't have to read it. It's one of my least favorite books of all time. 
  • Most Exciting Audiobook Find: THE FIRST THREE PRINCESS DIARIES BOOKS ARE NARRATED BY ANNE HATHAWAY. 'Nuff said. You should listen to them on Scribd (get two months free here:

When I Wasn't Reading

COLLEGE. It's been rough, it's been tough. I've watched a lot of Friends (Yes, I love Friends, yes, my name is Monica, yes, we are very similar although I like to think I am less crazy). I've done a lot of homework. 

What was your favorite thing you've read or listened to this month? Let me know down below!


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