I have never unhauled books before, but as I am going to be headed to college in four months, I decided to clear out some of the books that I didn't want on my shelves anymore. There will be more books to unhaul in the future, but as for now, this is it. Also, I really wanted to rearrange my bookshelf.
With all the buzz going around the internet of #crushyourtbr and #0by16 and such, I felt the need to clear out all the books that I don't want to look at any longer. A few of these I have read, but even more are books that I've never touched.
Before you freak out about Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban being in this stack, I have another copy. This copy just didn't match the others. 5 of the 11 are books that I have read and just was not impressed with, 5 of the 11 are books that I've lost interest in reading, and 1 is one that I had to pick up for school and only read like 12 pages of. I'm planning on taking these guys to a local bookshop and selling them there.
(Where I can obviously get more money to buy more books). Except that's not the point, but that's what I'm going to do.
As of the day I am posting this, I have 63 unread books on my shelves, 55 read books, and 2 books that I am currently reading.
Now, I won't finish that TBR by 2016. But I do want to have a 75:25 ratio of read:unread books on my shelves by 2016. I would also like to get rid of a few more books, but I will save those for another day.
Are you ready with your pitchforks? Also, did you like this kind of post? Because I might do more of them. Also, when I head off to college, would you like me to show you all the books I'm taking with me? Tell me down below!
Happy Reading!
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