Stacking the shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, and it's all about sharing the books that have come into your possession throughout the week, whether it books added to your collection, ebooks, library books, etc. Sunday post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer where bloggers can recap their week, showcase books, and share news.
**all goodreads links are available through the picture of the cover**
School Library
My TBR jar challenge for this month is to read a series finale. So, since I read The 100 by Kass Morgan in March, I picked up Day 21 and Homecoming from my school library, which literally has every young adult book I could ever want.
Public Library
The library has been kind to me this week. Also, when I picked up X-Men, I stopped by the graphic novel section and saw Saga, Vol. 4. I think you know what my most recent hold is. I think you know. But I have wanted to read X-Men comics for the longest time, but there are literally so many that I googled where to start and this was the one that it gave me. So excited for April! It's going to be a good reading month. I can feel it.
'89 Walls is set in 1989. It's a contemporary (can I say that since it's set in 1989? I'm still saying it.) romance following Quinn and Seth who are both finishing high school. The cover is entrancing. How could I not?
Hailey on Booktube has already read 5 to 1 and has been raving about it. I was so happy to see it on NetGalley and even happier that I got it. The year is 2054, the ratio of males to females in India is 5:1, and women are of the highest commodity. Are you not in love? I'm in love.
Life Update
So I have been in absolute crackdown mode on my senior thesis. Currently 60 pages with a few more to tack on. Also, graduation and AP tests and finals and college and everything else are approaching like a freight train at 100 mph. However, I am almost finished with my thesis, and then all I will have left it to print off this monster and do a 20 minute presentation over it. It's all really terrifying. Hence the blog absence. Hence the reading slump.
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What have you guys read or books have you gotten this week? What do you think about the ones that I got? Tell me down below!
Happy Reading!
Happy Reading!