I have had this post ready since February, and I find it incredibly embarrassing that it is just now going up. Maureen created this tag absolutely ages ago, and I love Hamilton (obvs) so this is a necessity. I did a mix of the original ten questions and the bonus questions, cutting out those with incredible spoiler potential.
*all of these headers are edited by me, save the background (credit)*
Aside from the obvious Harry Potter answer, which would be my answer but everyone has that as their answer, I would say the world from Carry On--which is arguably the same thing--and one of the courts from the A Court of Thorns and Roses series.
And as for ACOTAR, I would probably lean towards the Night Court
(I would also like to be as far away from the Spring Court and Tamlin as humanly possible, so any other court will do.)
I've got to throw it back to TID for this one and say Charlotte Fairchild & Sophie Collins. These are two amazing, strong women who kick a lot more butt than Tessa and get a 1/4 of the page-time (is that the book equivalent to screen-time?) but 4x the amount of character development. I was constantly blown away by their strength and courage throughout the series, and they don't get enough credit for all the credit [they] gave us.*
*See what I did there? Do ya? Do ya?*
BURR: "You got more than you gave."
HAMILTON: "And I wanted what I got. When you got skin in the game, you stay in the game, but you don't get to win unless you play in the game. Oh, you get love for it. You get hate for it. You get nothing if you wait for it, wait for it, wait! God help and forgive me, I want to build something that's gonna outlive me."
Tell me that doesn't perfectly describe Eli and Victor. Friends turned enemies.
Did Victoria Schwab base these characters off A. Burr & A. Ham? Hmmmm.....
LOL. I have a few, but spoilers . . . so . . . no.
It has been ridiculously long since I've truly marathoned (something I'm hoping to remedy this summer with a few trilogies I have on hand) but my record for marathoning still rests with the Divergent trilogy, which I read in three days.
How is this a real question?

Harry Potter is always the answer to this question.
I have a couple of answers for this question.
1. Will and Jem from the Infernal Devices
2. Ronan and Gansey from The Raven Cycle
3. James and Sirius from the Harry Potter series
God, I was so late the the Shadowhunters universe. I read City of Bones late 2015 and then finished the rest of the series in the first few months of 2016. Likewise, I only read the Infernal Devices in 2015 as well.
Have any of you done this tag? Link it down below so that I read your answers!
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