The Five Books I Will Never, Ever Read

"Top 5 Wednesday" is a weekly meme created by Lainey at GingerReadsLainey on Youtube and is now hosted by Sam at Thoughts on Tomes. You can find the goodreads group here.
I am one of those very basic book nerds that likes to say "Oh, I never like to say that I will never read a book because I want to give every book an equal chance."

Except for these books. Because I'm done. (Also, please don't hate me.)

(Additionally, the common thread running through all of these is that I've read part of the series/book but had so many problems with it that I couldn't force myself to continue.)

No, no, no, nope. (Apply this phrase the following four picks as well.) I read approximately the first seven pages of The Heir before I remembered how much I genuinely disliked the original trilogy (the OrigTrig, as I have decided to call it.) I couldn't get past her insane attitude and sense of entitlement, which is something I usually have a problem with in YA books. I found it especially problematic in this book and just . . . couldn't handle it.

I don't like Jesse Andrew's sense of humor. It doesn't align with my own very, very dry sense of humor, and honestly, I don't even think it's funny. Which, if you're not familiar with Jesse Andrews, his humor is that very raunchy, dirty, sex-based humor. I just don't like that type of humor. 

I got about halfway through Me and Earl before I couldn't make myself push through a book I wasn't enjoying.

Again, I tried. I only really half-heartedly tried to read the first three chapters of the first book before giving up. This series is too long, and while I would be very interested in watching the TV show (which I still haven't), I don't want to get invested in a series where the author will probably die before the series is ever finished. #sorrynotsorry

I definitely see the appeal of this story and understand why so many people love it. Someday I will watch the TV show, which I understand has quite a few changes.

All I have to say is that if I'm supposed to take the series "as one book" then it should have been delivered to the readers as one book. I knew that the ship that was shipped in this series was the relationship that I had so many problems with in the first book. No matter how much of a redemption arc Laurent gets, I will never be able to sympathize with him or ship him with someone that he put into a abusive situation. 

This is my biggest #sorrynotsorry moment of my book blogging life. I honestly just don't care anymore? I read the first book because I felt that I had to because--oh heavens--the love for this series is insane. I've read this storyline twelve different times with various main characters that were all better developed and crafted than Celeana. 

Additionally, this fandom is actually terrifying. Every time a book releases there are death threats tossed at SJM (who, even though I am not a fan of her personally, doesn't deserve death threats) and there is always a spoiler thread going around. The people in this fandom can be incredibly vicious (not all of them are), and I just don't want to be bumping internet elbows with people that toss death threats at authors over fictional characters.

On a scale of one to ten, how much do you hate me right now? Are you in agreement with me? Let me know down in the comments!


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